Manor Farm Yogurt

Peter and Cheryl have farmed in Thrussington for over 40 years, Peters father before him bought the farm before the second world war and from milking 40 cows has progressed to over 300 today. Peter is immensely proud and passionate about his British Friesian Cross Jersey cows. His cows are out at pasture as much as possible, only wintering in when the weather is adverse.
Cheryl recounts that he knows the name and history of every cow in the yard. The milk is high in both protein and fat which is responsible for the unique creamy flavour and texture of the yogurt.
The yogurt side of the Dairy was launched as a diversification project 40 years ago, and from small beginnings now produces 500 gallons of yogurt per week.
Manor Farm Dairy employs a small and devoted team who have helped develop the yogurt to become the award winning product we see today.