Vine Farm Dairy

The Chandler/ Mann family has farmed the land in Great Dalby for over a hundred years. The dairy started at Vine Farm in the 1950’s with two cows, who were milked by hand, in the yard of the original Vine Farm house. The dairy side of the farm quickly grew, and having long family ties with the local cheese dairy at Long Clawson, Vine Farm became a supplier, a position we are still proud to hold to this day.Vine Farm now has over 350 cows in the milking herd, and continues to grow from strength to strength with the introduction of the new milk vending machine. The public will now have the opportunity to enjoy this farm fresh milk and share the passion for there cows and the Great Dalby countryside, which has passed through the family from generation to generation.
The Milk Vine Farm Dairy is offering you the opportunity to buy the freshest pasteurised milk straight from our family owned farm. It is produced by our herd of happy free range Montbeliarde, Holstein and Jersey cows.The milk has been pasteurised to kill any harmful bacteria, but it has not been through the industrial processes of homogenisation, separation or standardisation, meaning it retains all of its flavour and quality.Once the milk has settled, cream will rise to the top, if you aren’t keen on this, just shake the bottle and it will mix back in, or save the cream for your morning cereal.
What do these processes mean? Homogenisation:A process by which the fat globules from milk are broken down into a smaller and more uniform size preventing them from rising to the top. Research has shown that changes to fat molecules in the milk can cause allergic reactions and make milk less digestible.Separation:The process where milk is separated into its cream component and liquid component.Standardisation:The process where the cream and liquid component are re-blended to make milk that contains the exact amount (‘standard’) of fat required depending on whether it is whole, semi-skimmed, or skimmed. Low fat milk options tend to have less Vitamin A and Vitamin E.